Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A great night...but do I have to drive?

A HUGE thanks to the Silicon Valley Business Travel Association for throwing a super party Friday night: Vino & Vistas, held at the Silver Creek Valley Country Club was a thing to behold! First, the wine was fabulous. Second, the auction items were amazing. Third, and more amazing: David Garibaldi!
That's him painting John Lennon - while the crowd cheered and The Beatles music played...six minutes later, and he's done. Astounding.

After auctioning David's paintings (thanks to all who bid), the Grand Finale of the evening: Pulling the winning raffle ticket for the Model A Shay. Trouble was, the winner was NOT in the room, which of course meant someone had to drive the 1929-replica car back to its covered garage.

You guessed it. Me!

Fun? Sure, but challenging: No insturment panel lights in an antique car, and with the windsreen coming up to my neck, hearing the engine was tough. I shifted gears using guesswork and vibration...all the time glad that Valley Medical Center was nearby, with it's top trauma team at the ready.

I'm kidding - sort of. Seriously, THANKS to all the volunteers, our staff, and all who made VINO & VISTAS 2008 a huge success!

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